What Steps Go In to Building and Designing a Store for a Website?

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What Steps Go In to Building and Designing a Store for a Website?

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We Build You 6 Custom Designed Store Pages

Pages Include: Online Store, Single Product, Product Category Archives, Cart, Checkout, and Account

There are pages that a storefront must create and have on their website. Each page within the website will all have the same brand and theme. This is so that the website/store looks professional and thought-out. Journey will also be sure to check the responsiveness of each page within the website as well as the main website's responsiveness. 

This Is How It Works:

First, We Set You Up a Shopping Cart and a Payment System

A shopping cart is used in a storefront. A shopping cart allows the client's customers to purchase products and services. There are many different features within the shopping cart that might be needed, however Journey is able to help the client with figuring that out, as well as doing it. Shopping carts not only upsell products and services, but it also provides information. It gives us the information on the customer that is wanted (like an email address to send ads to) but also needed for the payment and shipping of a product.

Payment systems are very important to a client's business and website. Without a payment system, there is no way to pay for the service/product that is being bought. Journey will help set up a payment system with the client. The most popular are Square, PayPal, and Stripe. By having a payment system, it eliminates a couple problems that you could have. The main advantage to having a payment system is that it goes through a third party. This means that most problems will be dealt for with the third party.

Then, We Organize Products and Set Up Shipping Options.

Journey is able to go through and look at every product that the client has and organize the products into specific categories. Journey will as the clients to give us a spreadsheet/list of all their different products and we will help organize and label the products into different categories. This helps the client to have a professionally organized website, as well as every product with a label.

We will set up shipping options for your company's products. Each product can have a different option. When the customers go to pay for the products that they want to purchase, they will have shipping options. These options include paid shipping which is where the customer will pay for the product to be shipped to them. They can have a free shipping option, which is where the customer does not pay for shipping on a product that they buy. The last option for shipping is pick-up, which is where the customer will meet the client at his/her business and receive the product at that specific building/place.

Lastly, We Design and Automate Your Custom Branded Store Email!

When someone purchases a product off of your website, they will get an email from your company. We want your email to be nice and neat, while being branded and customized to your liking. We will include a link to your website, the same color theme that your website has, and your store logo, etc. This email allows more interaction to your website.