

Meet the Journey Websites Team

Our Journey Websites team is here to help you succeed! We work together to get the job done and help you along the way. Get to know us more below.

Angela Driskell

Angela Driskell

Founder and CEO

Anshu Kushwaha

Anshu Kushwaha

WordPress Developer

Bharul Varma

Bharul Varma

WordPress Developer

Erica Manzon Photo

Erica Mae Manzon

General Virtual Assistant & Social Media Manager

Hannah Counsellor

Hannah Counsellor

Creative Content Navigator

Lauren Reed

Lauren Reed

Business Admin & Project Manager


Samantha Durm

Admin & Creative Content Navigator


Sofia Garcês

Creative Content Navigator & Project Manager


Founder and CEO

Role: Project Management, Operations Overseer, Web Developer

Something unique: I used to be in Emergency Medicine!  First as a ski patrol volunteer, then an EMT and finally a full-time FireFighter!  I love helping people!!

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: I absolutely LOVE to travel!  I would have said I would love to go to Australia and New Zealand but I did just recently go there!  Honestly, I have found that every place you go there is something special and unique to see if you open your eyes to look around and appreciate where you are!  I especially love being outdoors and experiencing God's beautiful creation!!

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: I love the Word so I have a ton of favorite verses!!!  My life verse is Matthew 5:16.  "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven!"

Some other favorites are Psalm 143:8-10, Proverbs 3:5-6, Colossians 3 (specifically 3:17, 23-24), 2 Corinthians 12:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 10:19-25, Lamentations 3:22-24, Matthew 5:41, Ephesians 2:8-10, John 15:7-17 Ok.. I could keep going!  The Word is RICH, alive, and active!

What do you enjoy about your job?: The People!  I love getting to know each one of my team members and my clients.  I love being able to show love and to use my gifts to help others.  Each person is so unique, so every project is also very unique.  I love being able to help people on their own, personal and business, journey!!

Anshu Kushwaha

WordPress Developer

Something unique: I love my family. I'm good at sports, I especially like playing Football (soccer) and have played multiple sports throughout my life. Because of sports, I learnt to Never Give Up in my life at any stage, it helps me a lot. I am an old-school guy and love my traditions, culture, and heritage.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: India is a land of mountains and Greenery, It is much more beautiful during the rainy season, so I would like to visit, trek, and conquer each of those mountains and enjoy nature to its fullest.

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: "Show goodwill to all, every living being has an equal right to live on this earth."
"For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy." - Bhagavad Gita

What do you enjoy about your job?: I like solving issues and helping my team. Getting to the root of the problem and providing a solution. The environment is very good, calm, balanced, and encouraging. We celebrate our victories and also pray for everyone's good and this is what I like the most.

Bharul Varma

WordPress Developer

Something unique: One unique aspect about myself is I always want to jump deep into any topic or anything in which I am interested. And try to explore things as much as I can. Whether it's a hobby, academic subject, or professional field.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: If I get any chance to visit anywhere then I'll choose Japan. Because I am very curious to know about their lifestyle. As people of Japan are very gentle and polite and they abide by rules and regulations. Japan is also a tourist attraction.

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: "Discipline is the key to success"

What do you enjoy about your job?: What I enjoy about our job is the team support and kind behavior. My team helps me to learn new things. No pressure of work. One of the things I enjoy most about my job is the continuous learning. The field is constantly progressing, and I appreciate the chance to stay at the forefront of new technologies and industry best practice. It keeps me challenged and helps me grow both professionally and personally.

Erica Mae Manzon

General Virtual Assistant & Social Media Manager

Something unique: I find great joy in conversing with seniors and learning from their wisdom.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: The top places I want to visit are New Zealand, Switzerland, and Germany.

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

What do you enjoy about your job?: I enjoy exploring beyond my comfort zone, and being a general virtual assistant allows me to do just that. I find satisfaction in writing standard operating procedures and get a thrill from converting processes into clear, written documents. Additionally, I love creating social media content and handling general virtual assistant tasks.


Admin & Creative Content Navigator

Something unique: I love plants and started a greenhouse inside my small apartment.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: The top three places on my bucket list would be Iceland, Norway, & Greece!

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: "Spilled on this earth are all the joys of heaven."

What do you enjoy about your job?: Working with Journey is so exciting. The whole team is passionate about their work and you can tell they really love it. I love being able to work form home and be apart of such a fun team.


Business Admin & Project Manager

Something unique: I am a cancer survivor!

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: Anywhere with good food and great architecture.

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: Everything happens for a reason.

What do you enjoy about your job?: I love being able to apply what I have learned in college and learn more every single day! I also love getting to know my team and working with such creative people.


Admin & Creative Content Navigator

Something unique: I am left-handed in everything except throwing a baseball/softball.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: If I could go on a journey anywhere, I would want to take an RV trip across the country and visit all 50 states.

Favorite Quotes, Saying, or Bible verse: "Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything." -Phillipians 4:6-7

What do you enjoy about your job?: I enjoy working for Journey Websites because the work here is fun. We don't take every second serious and we enjoy the work that we do. Of course, we get the job done, but the environment and team are all creative in their own different ways, making the overall experience so much more enjoyable.


Creative Content Navigator & Project Manager

Something unique: I'm a rally geek and will fight you over what is the best rally car currently.

If you could go on a journey anywhere, where would you go?: I love to travel so anywhere is good. Top of my list right now would be Iceland.

What do you enjoy about your job?: I love the opportunity to work on several different projects and support Journey Websites as we grow!

More about our interns

Check out our intern alumni and their experience here at Journey Websites.